Monday, October 01, 2007

Pep Band

Matthew plays the snare drum and joined the pep band at school. Last Friday, he marched in the Homecoming Parade for Allen Park High School for the first time. Marvin and I were so excited. My parents came to watch him and Malinda and Tyler were there and so was Jennifer and the kids. (They didn't just come for Matthew:)

When he came around the corner I took pictures while Marvin videoed. Matt saw us and gave a small smile, the kind like he was embarrassed but glad to see us there. I got a little teary eyed, I was so excited and proud!!! Marvin ended up following him all the way down Champaign! Do you think he was proud too!?! It was a lot of fun. Here are some pics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.