Saturday, July 17, 2010


On April 27, 2010, Marshall came into the world and our family was blessed!!!

He has been the highlight of 2010. He is the cutiest baby in the world and we love him very much! We all look forward to seeing him and holding him and just loving on him. Julie has been amazing with him and she just lights up everytime he does something new! She is a great mother already!

He is almost 3 months old and looks just like my brother, Gary when he was a baby!

He is awesome and a huge part of our lives and I look forward to watching him grow up.


I can't believe I had not posted since January!! When I was a teenager, I used to write stories like crazy!! Now, I can't get myself to write a thing! Soooo much has gone on since I last posted so I am going to post a few at a time.

In March, I turned the big 4-0!! I was not looking forward to it at all. I told my family that I was going to lay in bed and sleep the day away and that I wanted no reminders that it was my birthday. I told Marvin, that if anyone threw me a surprise party that I would disown him. I was serious!! I did not want a thing done for me!!

Well, it turned out that it was a great day!! I did not stay in bed all day. I went to work!! My co-workers gave me a card that they all signed and my boss gave me a gift. That was sweet. My dad got me the body fat scale that I really wanted and I was excited to get it!!

The biggest thing I did on my birthday, was kick box class! I went to The Fighting Fit and did my cardio kickboxing class. The highlight of my workout was that I ran around the block without stopping for the first time in my life!!! I literally cried when I made it back to TFF in one piece!!

I was in the best shape of my life and I did a huge accomplishment! My goal was to be fit by 40, and I did it!!