Friday, May 15, 2009


So, after many months without a computer, we finally ordered one. We should get it mid-June. I miss not having a "real" computer. It's hard to do things on a little iPod! I miss being able to put up pictures, see full web pages, and doing homework!

This weekend, Ashlee and I are doing back to back 5k's. Saturday's 5 is for the American Cancer Society. Sunday's is for the Alzheimer's Association. She is really excited and so am I.

The weight loss journey has been a struggle but I press on! I've got a bet going on with J.D. And I plan on winning it;)

Less than a month and the kids will be done with school for the summer! We are planning a few trips this year and Matthew will be doing a summer mission trip and all three girls will be going to GA camp!

That's all for now! Have a great weekend:)