Saturday, July 17, 2010


On April 27, 2010, Marshall came into the world and our family was blessed!!!

He has been the highlight of 2010. He is the cutiest baby in the world and we love him very much! We all look forward to seeing him and holding him and just loving on him. Julie has been amazing with him and she just lights up everytime he does something new! She is a great mother already!

He is almost 3 months old and looks just like my brother, Gary when he was a baby!

He is awesome and a huge part of our lives and I look forward to watching him grow up.


I can't believe I had not posted since January!! When I was a teenager, I used to write stories like crazy!! Now, I can't get myself to write a thing! Soooo much has gone on since I last posted so I am going to post a few at a time.

In March, I turned the big 4-0!! I was not looking forward to it at all. I told my family that I was going to lay in bed and sleep the day away and that I wanted no reminders that it was my birthday. I told Marvin, that if anyone threw me a surprise party that I would disown him. I was serious!! I did not want a thing done for me!!

Well, it turned out that it was a great day!! I did not stay in bed all day. I went to work!! My co-workers gave me a card that they all signed and my boss gave me a gift. That was sweet. My dad got me the body fat scale that I really wanted and I was excited to get it!!

The biggest thing I did on my birthday, was kick box class! I went to The Fighting Fit and did my cardio kickboxing class. The highlight of my workout was that I ran around the block without stopping for the first time in my life!!! I literally cried when I made it back to TFF in one piece!!

I was in the best shape of my life and I did a huge accomplishment! My goal was to be fit by 40, and I did it!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A scrapbook room awaits!

So, I am finally in the process of having a REAL scrapbook room! A room I can totally devote to my scrapping hobby! I am thrilled and excited to put it all together so I can scrap whenever I have the time. I am going to try and get a lot of scrapping done this year. I have missed it so much and I am so far behind:( The kids' school books are each 3 years behind, so when my room is all ready, that's what I am going to be focused on.

I have looked at so many websites to get an idea of what I want the room to look like. The problem always comes down to money. The lack of:( So, I am going to do it on my own and make the room be my own idea. My hubby is very handy at making things, so he will help make whatever I might need.

This March, I am going to go on a scrapbooking bed and breakfast to get work done, and be pampered too;) I am going to go here. I will be turning old and that's how I want to spend my birthday.

When my room is finished, I'll post a pic!

Monday, January 04, 2010

It's 2010!

Holy Toledo, it's 2010! It's been 10 years since the whole Y2-K thing and we"re still here:) I do not have food and water still stored away and I still believe that Y2K was a media hype that freaked everyone out. Only God know when this world will be over so all can stop speculating!

What was 2009 like? All in all, it was pretty good. Of coarse, as with every year, we lose people that we love. I lost members of FBC that I loved,and my friends lost people they loved.

What did I do in 2009? Well, some of the things I remember is that I turned another year older, I vacationed in Virginia, I got behind in my bills, I suffered a few times with depression, and at the end of December I lost a total of 60 pounds!

My family all went to Virginia, they all got a year older, they started back to school, Lyndsey got her braces off and Lauren got hers on, Matthew became an 8th grader and is in his last year of middle school and Ashlee became a 5th grader and is in her last year of elementary school.

My cousin, Nadia, turned 1 on December 31st. She gets cuter and cuter every day! See:

One of the greatest miracles I have ever known was the miracle with this little guy:
Stellan had problems with his heart since he was born. He actually was in the hospital for his 1st. birthday and he almost died. The Dr's. were able to get his heart going again, but it was the Lord that saved him. Thank you Jesus! When I see his smiling face on the computer, I always smile because he is still here! You can read all about Stellan on his mother's blog and read all about his little heart and what he has gone through in his short life.

The best news of 2009, is that my brother, Gary, and my sister-in-law, Julie, are expecting their first baby together! Baby Hegedus will make his/her debut in May of 2010. We are more than thrilled to have a new baby in the family. Boy or Girl, doesn't matter, a baby is a blessing either way and I cannot wait to hold him/her in my arms. Julie is so excited that I love to see her and the excitement that she shows. She is just glowing and I love to see her so happy:)

I guess that's it for now. Just a brief update after not posting for a long time. Maybe this year I can get in the habit of blogging more for my own memory. Not sure who may be reading and caring:)