Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I didn't cry

Well, the kids all got off to school and I didn't even cry when Matthew went off to middle school. They were all excited and ready to go so Marvin and I took them and dropped them off and then we went to breakfast and enjoyed time alone together.
I Hope Matthew is doing okay. He is the only one I'm worried about. I won't know until 4 today because he has cross country practice after school.


punkwad2ru said...

What are you worried about with Matthew ? He'll be ok. He's a smart littl guy. Say --- I hear that ! Don't worry---be happy !

Suzanna said...

They are such sweet kids, Shelly!! Wow, enjoy your time home without them, though!! I haven't gotten to have that feeling in seven years! LOL! I don't know what I'll do with myself when I have them all in school!