Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dale Adams

I just found out today, that a dear friend of mine has gone to be with the Lord. Dale was one of the sweetest, kindest, lovingest, men I have ever known. He was a huge part of FBC and it is a great loss to the church and to all of us. He loved his Lord so much and he radiated God's love to everyone he met. In the hospital at the sickest times of his life he still shared Christ with the doctors and nurses that took care of him.

In 1998, after the death of a friend of mine,Donnie Heim, my heart was shattered and I prayed that God would put a man like Donnie in my life, a week later, I met Dale and his sweet wife,Pat. They became my Sunday School teachers and I knew that they were special. And they were. He was always smiling and telling all the ladies of the church how lovely, sweet, charming, dignified, and well versed they are. He said that every week. He also told everyone how much they were loved. He is truly going to be missed and I am going to miss him even more.

One of the things that stood out most to me about Dale, was that He was a Detroit Police officer. He was a good one too! He retired awhile ago, but once a cop, always a cop. I loved to hear stories about his time as an officer and I will miss that too! When he became a Christian, he shared Christ with his fellow officers too.

Rest in peace, my friend. It won't be the same without you and my life has been blessed knowing you were a part of it. Enjoy walking with Jesus, you deserve it. I love you very much and I'll miss you everyday. See you later.

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