Saturday, November 25, 2006

CHRISTmas time is here!

I just love Christmas time! It is so much fun preparing for this special time of year. I love the fact that Jesus Christ was born for me! It can't get any better than that. There is just something about the fact that if it wasn't for Jesus, I, nor you, would be here today. God had a master plan that was so awesome that it boggles my mind. I am so glad that Jesus was born so that we would have life and be able to love and share during this time of year. I think we should be in the spirit of giving every day and not just during the holidays. Jesus said that we are to be His disciple's and go and share the love of Jesus to everyone we meet. This is the perfect time to share about Jesus and His love for people. It starts with me. I need to be willing to move out of my comfort zone and tell others about Him and what he has done in my life.
Jesus is truly the reason we celebrate this season. Will you share about Jesus this holiday? I will surly take up the challenge to go where God is at and share His story with people.

Merry Christmas to you!

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