Thursday, January 22, 2009

A little of everything..

I have been trying to get myself to blog more but I just can't seem to get it together lately. I'm tired and sore just about everyday, so I don't do too much in the afternoon but be lazy!

I have a schedule every morning that I try to do and this is the first week that I actually did it. After I drop the girls off at 8:30, I head to the gym. I do 20-30 minutes on the treadmill, do the fitzone circuit, do another few minutes on the tread or the elliptical...(that machine KICKS MY BUTT!!!) When I get home I don't even take my coat off, I get some dog doodoo bags and the leash and Buster goes crazy! He knows already that when I come home it's time to go for a walk. We walk around the block but today we went 2 blocks. He loves it! I did that schedule all week except tomorrow because I don't work out because I go to weigh -in and I don't want to get all sweaty and the kids have a half day. I'll do Wii fit at home after we get back.

When I went to the gym this morning, I got measured again. I have lost a total of 10 inches! I was so surprised. The biggest loss was in my hips! I was really excited about that.

It is so exciting to see several of my friends getting in shape! They all are doing a fantastic job and I am so proud of them!! It is also exciting to have everyone encouraging each other and being a great support system. My biggest inspiration comes from Karina. She is doing awesome and I am extremely proud of her! She encouraged me to do a 1/2 marathon in April with her and I am bound and determined to do it with her. Thanks K for your prompting and encouragement.

My other friend, Jennifer, is also doing an amazing job and I am really, really, proud of her. She is focused and is a exercise machine, doing Richard Simmons too!
She is also a good motivator and encourager. Keep up the great work Jennifer, your doing awesome!

Well, I guess that's it for now. Have a great weekend and stay warm:)


Karina said...

Shelly-You are doing awesome too! Keep up the daily routine, just think one day all this hard work will totally pay off and you will know that every bit of soreness and sacrifice was totally worth it.

I have no doubt in October you will want to run the 1/2 marathon in Detroit!

Suzanna said...

Keep up the good work Shelly, sounds like you are really doing great! I wish I could get motivated enough to do something with myself, ugh! LOL! I'm proud of you!