Well, Matthew survived 9 days out of Michigan without me! From the little bit of information I got out of him, he had a great time. He loved going up in the mountains where he was having a snowball fight and the breathing was different then he was used to. He learned to defend himself from the "older" students, and held his own. It's hard to believe he is officially part of the youth group and will be doing things now that he is a part. I know that the Lord is going to use him and that he will grow into a man of God. He might even be the next youth minister! Or the worship leader! He plays a mean drum!

This was the top of a tree in Utah, where the flooding was. They had to go 170 miles around to get pass the flooding.
This was a baseball field in Utah, completely underwater!

I am so glad he got to see another part of the country. I missed him very much and was so happy that he got home safe and that he had a good time.