Let me tell you about my dad. My dad is an amazing man. From the time I was born he was always there for me and my brother. When he was 18, he got a job at Ford as a journeyman(whatever that is!)and has work for Ford ever since. He worked at the Rouge Steel building until they closed it down a few years ago. There were alot of explosions down there and I was always fearful when he would be at work. When they closed the Rouge down, he got sent over to the World Headquarters where he is still today. He can retire whenever but he continues to keep going.
My dad is a hard worker and has always provided for his family. Growing up, we had everything we wanted, not in a spoiling way, but we never needed for anything. We always had a nice home, food on the table, and clothes on our backs. I have alot of happy childhood memories of my dad that I cherish and wouldn't change.
My dad also had the best parents which in turn were the best grandparents. His dad also worked for Ford for many years and he retired. His mom was the best. Growing up they were my Memaw and Papaw and they spoiled us rotten! My Memaw died in August of 1989, and I was so sad for my dad because she was so special to all of us. She was always there for him and got him out of alot of trouble when he was younger. My Papaw died on Christmas Eve in 1994. My heart broke for my dad because now both his parents were gone. It was hard on all of us, especially me because they didn't live to see me become a Christian and marry and have children of my own. They left us with wonderful memories and a legacy.
My dad is also a grandparent to 8. One of those grandkids is with the Lord. In 1987 my brother and his then girlfriend had a baby girl. Her name was Amber Nicole and she was beautiful. We fell in love with her from the minute we saw her. Unfortunately, God needed her more than us because she died of crib death when she was a month old. It was a shock to all of us and we miss her so much. So, after her death, my brother married that girlfriend and we waited two years for them to give us another baby. My nephew Brett was that baby. He didn't replace Amber but he brought back joy to all our lives. Then came Rian and Brandon. I got married in 1995, and in 1996, Marvin and I had Matthew. So, we had four boys and I hoped that we would add another girl to our family. Well, in 1999, I had Ashlee. She was special because she was the first girl after many years without Amber. In 2000, I had the twins, Lauren and Lyndsey. So, now my dad had his hands full will 7 active grandkids. He has nick-names for each one of them and he loves them very much. My kids have wonderful memories of their "Gampy".
I could go on and on about my dad. He is the best dad I could have ever asked for. "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad". That saying is so true, and that's my dad!
So, dad, this post is for you. On this Father's Day , I wanted to let you know how much I love you and I appreciate you SOOOO much. You have always been there for me and I know that I have disappointed you alot lately but I want you to know that today and everyday after this I make a promise to you that I will get my act together and that I will become a more responsible adult that will be able stand on my own two feet, and to give my kids everything they need. I will try my hardest from here on out to not depend on you to bail me out of trouble because of my stupid decisions. Thank-you for always being there for me and loving me and being a awesome grandparent to my children. They love you so much and I know you love them.
Dad, never forget how much you are loved,wanted,needed, and appreciated. I would not be where I am today without you. God has truly blessed me and I wanted you to know how much I love you and need you in my life. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY