In May, my baby sister, Kelsey, graduated from high school. It was a hard time for her but she made it and I was so proud of her. She also turned 18 in August. Wow, 18! I remember when she was born. She has grown into a beautiful, young woman and I am proud to be her big sister!

Kelsey in Kindergarten

Labor Day weekend, we went camping. It was a beautiful weekend and the kids had a great time. We camped with good friends and their kids and all the kids got along and they played together and had a great time. I hate packing up and unpacking but in the middle, after the tent is up, it's alot more fun.

The kids have started back to school! My favorite time of the year(I mean that in a good way) I enjoy when the kids go back to school because that gives me a break from them, and them a break from me. The really like to go back to school anyway(except for Matthew)because they get to see their friends again. I enjoy my quiet time, my computer time, and my house cleaning time. I am now the crossing guard after school. It's a volunteer job but I really enjoy it. The kids are ready to go home and I get to tell them to have a good evening. So far, nobody's been hit and neither have I!

Matthew actually let me take a picture of him.
My 2009 diet is going very well! As of today, I am down 36.6 pds. My Dr. told me yesterday that I am not considered obese any more!! That was great news for me:) Even though I am still over weight. I am working hard on that. I am doing WW and seeing a weight specialist and that is helping me. In 6 months, I will be 40. I am totally not looking forward to it. I told hubby that I am going to sleep the day away because it's just another day.
The best news, we got is that my brother Gary, and his wife, Julie, are expecting their first baby together:) We are very excited to add a new family member. I have prayed since the got married that they would have a baby. I am praying that God will give them a baby girl. Gary lost his baby, Amber, to crib death in 1987. He had for sons after Amber, so it would be great for him to have a baby girl again. But, if it is a boy, I know that it is God's will and I will love that baby just as much. She is due in May, 2010.
Well, I guess that's it. I will have another post in a few days to introduce my baby cousin, Nadia. She is a blessing to me and my family. Stay tunes:)