Friday, April 27, 2007


7 Things you may not know about me:

1) I have serious road rage issues! Marvin says my personality changes when I drive. People make me made when they do dumb things while driving. Talking on the phone and driving is the big one nowadays. People can't drive the speed limit and talk on the phone at the same time. SHUT UP and DRIVE!!!

2) My biggest fear is spiders and centipedes! I once called my dad at work to tell him there was a centipede on the ceiling and I needed him to come home and get it. Wrong... he told me to get a broom and hit it, so I put the phone down and got the broom and smacked it and when I did I screamed. He wasn't sure what was going on.

3) I asked Jesus in my heart when I was 19 yrs old and haven't looked back. One of the greatest moments in my life.

4) When I was little I was playing outside in the snow and there was ice stuck on the fence and I wanted a bite of it and when I took a bite I got stuck. My tongue was stuck pretty good and I couldn't talk so I screamed and my brother finally heard me and got my parents, but by the time they got to me I had already ripped it off and I had a fat tongue and couldn't talk and had to go to ballet that night!! Just like "A Christmas Story".

5) One of the biggest tragedies in my life was when my 4 week old Niece, Amber died of crib death(SIDS) when I was 17. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and one I'll never forget.

6) Since I was about 12 yrs old I always wanted to be a cop. I wish now I would have done it but I always have that desire to go hang out with a bunch of cops and take people down!! I'm also good at catching shop lifters!!!

7) One of my biggest regrets in life was that I did really bad in high school and I wish I could do it over again. Now I push my kids to do their best so they can be successful and go to college.

That's it for me.