Friday, December 26, 2008

Behind in blogging

I have been lazy in updating my blog. My computer was down for a week and then it just got busy around here before CHRISTmas. Now that CHRISTmas is over I can try and get back on track for those that actually read this thing.

In the beginning of November, my friend Susie, taught a sewing class and I was her only student this time around. I figured it was about time that I learned to sew. So, I bought a sewing machine and off I went. We made an apron. It was fun even though I had no idea what I was doing. I hate to see what it would have looked like if Susie was not my teacher! Anyway, we finished my apron and when I got home and showed it to my girls, they got excited and said they wanted me to make them one! Well, I'm not a pro yet so I was a little hesitant but I decided to give it a shot. they were going to be making some cookies for missions work so I needed to get them done before the first weekend in December. I went to Joanns and got them material that they liked and began my masterpieces!

Well, you all know what happened next! Yes, I called Susie and she said come on over and we worked on them together and got them done a day before they were needed. I surprised them the next morning.

So, Thank -you again, Susie! You have been a blessing. I did make another one for my Neice, Emily for CHRISTmas but she doesn't know it yet. I only called Susie once, and I did a pretty good job on it, considering it's still together!