It's hard to believe that you are 12 already. It really does seem like yesterday that Dad and I brought you home from the hospital.

You have been a great kid these last 12 yrs. and I look forward to seeing you grow more and more into a beautiful, young lady. You are a very good student in school and we couldn't be more proud of you. It's amazing to see how much you have learned and how well you can articulate things. You are so smart and school seems very important to you and that makes me very happy.
In this past year I have seen you really begin to blossom. You are always ready to try new things. You have picked up a big interest in the guitar and are taking lessons to improve that skill. Your favorite artist is Taylor Swift, so I think that's where the guitar came into your life. I am glad that you like playing instruments. You have recently laid down the trombone and moved to the guitar and that's ok with me.
I also love that you love to read! You get that from me and I'm glad you like books. You can go anywhere and be anything in a book. Always read and learn new things. I always say...reading is FUNdamental!!
I look forward to seeing what God has in store for you as you begin the transformation into a teenager in 2012. I know you will still continue to be a blessing to us and the rest of the family. We are truly thankful for you and love you very much!!
Have a wonderful 12th birthday and I hope all your dreams come true!!