Well, the reunion was fun. I'm not sure how many were there but I know it wasn't even half our class. The same people got together in their groups just like the old days. The skinny got fat and the guys got bald and some had receding hairlines. Some people are very successful in their careers and some are SAHM's. Some are divorced and remarried, the high school sweethearts are still married, and almost all of them that were their have children. Maybe at our 30yr. reunion some will have grandchildren!
Three of our classmates have passed away. Two were by suicide and one was by illness. Alot of our classmates are MIA. I wish a few more would have showed up. Five people in our class have served our country and have made it back. I thanked them for their sacrifice.
All in all it was a good night and I enjoyed it. Here are a few pictures.

Melissa, Leslie, and Amy

Kelly Kent

Amy Hodge(my BF in HS and Marvins cousin)

My Sweetheart!!