Okay, time to get back on track with some updates of things that have gone on lately. First up, At the end of September, my Sister-in-law, Julie, participated in the breast cancer 3 day. In three days, she walked sixty miles and helped raise millions for breast cancer. She walked in memory of my Grandmother and her Grandmother. It was so cool to see her accomplish something she worked very hard at. We were so proud of her!

On October 4th, I went to my best friend's wedding but I don't have the pics yet so I'll write about that later:)
Today, I took the second kid to get braces. Lyndsey got her top braces today and she really looks cute. I can't wait to see the changes in her teeth. After she is done, it's Lauren's turn:)

Isn't she just darling ?
Adorable!! And cool blue glasses!
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