Matthew got up early on the first day of school, got dressed, ate, and left before I even got up! I didn't even get a picture! He did not want me to take one nor did he want me to take him to school. He rode his bike! I guess he's too big for mom now.
The girls on the other hand still need and want me. Ashlee had a rough night before school. She gets a nervous/excited stomach ache when something is going to happen the next day, so she tossed and turned all night! I know that because I had her sleep with me and she kept me up late too. The next morning she had a stomach ache and I had to give her some medicine to help and she was fine after that.
The girls were ready to go by 8 am, so Marvin and I took some pictures and then drove them to school.
After we dropped them off, we went to breakfast together and had good time. He says I've come along way because I don't cry anymore! There was a time where I cried so hard I couldn't even talk on the phone! Those days are gone now!
Here are a few pictures from the day minus Matthew.

The girls are ready(Ashlee not feeling good yet)

At school (Ashlee's better, can you tell?)

Lined up ready to go in (Lyndsey)


Ashlee happy and ready!
Aren't they just darling or what ?I've never seen such good looking kids in all " tar-nation ". You know what I be saying or not really ? Say --- I hear that.
Yay, school's back in session!!!! LOL! I have two down, and Xander starts on the 15th. I'll probably cry big time on that day, my last one... I'll be wandering around my quiet, empty house trying to figure out what to do with myself. It's only for three hours a day, but still... It's been a long time, 8 years, since I've had that much time to myself.
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