This is what we looked like in 1993.
Today is my 13th wedding anniversary and I wanted to take a few minutes and write about the man in my life.
On this date, 13 years ago, I walked down the isle and into the waiting arms of my dear husband. During those 13 years we have had our ups and downs. Yet, he has always stood by my side as I have stood by his. He has given me four beautiful children, a nice home, and worked hard enough that I am able to stay home and be here when the kids leave for school and when they come home.
He has been a huge support to me during my MANY trips to the hospital for various reasons, when I felt like my world was falling apart, when my mom and sister needed a place to live he was willing to let them stay here as long as they needed to. He has NEVER ONCE made me feel like I wasn't special to him. I KNOW that he loves me like Christ loves the church. He ALWAYS puts my needs above his own and that I come second after God. He has shown me more love than I sometimes think I'm worth.
I always find myself wondering how I got so lucky to have a man like him. I am blessed beyond measure when it comes to my husband. I sometimes take him for granted but I know no matter what I do in our marriage, I know that he will always be with me and that we will grow old together.
Marvin, I love you so much and I will always remember what you have done for me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and supporting me in everything I do. Thank you for your shoulder that I have shed alot of tears on and thank you for providing for me and our children and never asking for anything in return. I am so blessed because of you and I look forward to many more years together and making more memories along the way. Thank you for being a man of integrity and a man of God. Thank you for being a wonderful father to our children, they love you so much. You are the best Dad to them and I know how much you mean to them. Thank you for being a Godly example to Matthew especially, so he will know how to be a Godly husband one day. Happy anniversary honey, I love you very much.

My how we've changed! 2008 at Kensington Metro Park