Tuesday, September 30, 2008

13 Years

This is what we looked like in 1993.

Today is my 13th wedding anniversary and I wanted to take a few minutes and write about the man in my life.

On this date, 13 years ago, I walked down the isle and into the waiting arms of my dear husband. During those 13 years we have had our ups and downs. Yet, he has always stood by my side as I have stood by his. He has given me four beautiful children, a nice home, and worked hard enough that I am able to stay home and be here when the kids leave for school and when they come home.

He has been a huge support to me during my MANY trips to the hospital for various reasons, when I felt like my world was falling apart, when my mom and sister needed a place to live he was willing to let them stay here as long as they needed to. He has NEVER ONCE made me feel like I wasn't special to him. I KNOW that he loves me like Christ loves the church. He ALWAYS puts my needs above his own and that I come second after God. He has shown me more love than I sometimes think I'm worth.

I always find myself wondering how I got so lucky to have a man like him. I am blessed beyond measure when it comes to my husband. I sometimes take him for granted but I know no matter what I do in our marriage, I know that he will always be with me and that we will grow old together.

Marvin, I love you so much and I will always remember what you have done for me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and supporting me in everything I do. Thank you for your shoulder that I have shed alot of tears on and thank you for providing for me and our children and never asking for anything in return. I am so blessed because of you and I look forward to many more years together and making more memories along the way. Thank you for being a man of integrity and a man of God. Thank you for being a wonderful father to our children, they love you so much. You are the best Dad to them and I know how much you mean to them. Thank you for being a Godly example to Matthew especially, so he will know how to be a Godly husband one day. Happy anniversary honey, I love you very much.

My how we've changed! 2008 at Kensington Metro Park

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Okay, for those of you that know me, you probably know that I AM NOT A COOK! I cook the basic meals for my family to survive and that's about it. I am a very picky eater so If I don't like it, I won't cook it! Marvin, on the other hand, likes just about everything! So, last week, I asked him if I was to cook something that he really likes/wanted what would it be?

Chicken and Dumplings!

I KNEW he was going to say that! So, because I love my husband, I went out on a limb and got together with a friend of mine to make this meal. I got all the necessary ingredients and headed over to Marcia's house and got down to business. We made chicken and dumplings and with the extra chicken, she showed me how to make chicken soup. I had alot of fun with her and I was so excited to show Marvin my masterpiece.

Now, I am also not big on TRYING NEW THINGS!! But, because we make our kids try things, I had to try it too! The kids were starving and they got tired of waiting for Daddy to get home from work,so we sat down and tried chicken and dumplings for the first time EVER!!!

Let's just say everyone loved the ....CHICKEN! I am not so sure if I liked it or not. Ashlee loved it of course but the rest of us only liked the chicken. So after we were done, Marvin came home and I served it to him with excitement. He loved it! He said it tasted like his Mom's!

It must have been good because he had a few helpings and it's all gone! I'm not sure when/if I'll ever make it again but he said he was happy that I tried it and that I would make something special just for him.

Buster wanted/liked it too!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Heaven Bound!!!

As of Thursday evening, my whole household is heaven bound! I shared the gospel with Lauren and Lyndsey and they both prayed to receive Christ and they want to be baptized! They have been asking alot of questions lately about baptism so we talked about Jesus first and why He loves them and died for them. They listened as a read them a booklet called "Who is your King?" It is geared for kids and their level of understanding. THey asked questions and were really interested. After they prayed in their own words, you could see the transformation in their faces. They were excited! And so was I. God is GOOD!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2001

Seven years ago today , I was at the doctor's office getting a stress test and blood draws. I needed to have a test then leave for a bit and come back for more blood work. It was during the time that I left, that I first heard about the terrorist attacks. I was listening to the news on the radio. I was horrified!! I called my dad and asked him if he was watching TV. He said no, so I told him to turn it on because our country was under attack!

I tried to compose myself as I went back to the doctor's office. At the office, no one was really saying anything about it. In the waiting room, they had a TV on and that's when it REALLY hit me what was going on. There's a big difference when you hear it on the radio verses seeing it on TV. It was horrible. I cried all the way home. When I got home, Marvin had the TV on, and they kept showing it over and over. The school called and canceled afternoon kindergarten for Matthew. My neighbors were outside talking and crying and just in total shock.

Our church called an emergency prayer meeting, so we gathered everyone up and went to church. There was comfort there. Our church was able to hook up to the TV and project everything on the big screen for us to watch when the President came on. He was so strong, yet I felt his sadness too!

American flags went up EVERYWHERE! As I drove down my street today, there was hardly any! That is really sad to me. I have my flag proudly waving 24/7. I love my flag and what it stands for. We need to keep them up all the time not when tragedy strikes.

The one thing I always think about is the firemen. What heroes they are day in and day out. I personally know several firemen and I always think highly of them even before 911. So many died that day. They ran into the towers while everyone else was running out! That in itself is heroic! Thank you God, for people willing to die to save someone else.

What were you doing 7 years ago today?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

End times????

Okay, I'm not really one to preach at people but I feel the at this time I need to get the message out there.

I feel like we are now living in the end times. With that I mean, I truly feel deep in my soul that Jesus' return is right around the corner. I know that people have said that very thing for MANY YEARS, but I believe it now more than ever.

Have you heard that scientist have been working on this collider thing that is supposed to settle the big bang theory? That it has the potential to destroy mankind!

**As soon as I figure out how to get the article link in here,you can read what I'm talking about***

First of all, there is NO big bang theory. Scientist are still trying to say that there is but the Bible is the only PROOF that GOD and GOD alone created the earth and everything in it. You can choose to believe it or not but you better have it right because when Jesus comes back for his people, and you don't have a personal relationship with Him you WILL BE LEFT BEHIND!!!!

As a Christian it is my job to tell people about Jesus Christ. I would be doing a great disservice to you if I don't. Call me a Jesus Freak, nutcase, religious finatic. Call me whatever you want but know that I speak to you in love and that I care about your soul! I'm not a bible scholar, pastor, theologian, I am just a woman after God's own heart.

You have to ask yourself, "Where am I going to spend eternity"? heaven or hell? These are REAL PLACES!!!!

Becoming a Christian is as easy as ABC:

A: ADMIT that you are a sinner.

1) ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

2) For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

B: Believe that Jesus is God's Son and that God sent Jesus to die for us that we would spend eternity with Him.

1) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that Whoever believe's in Him should not die but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

2) Jesus said unto him: I am the Way, The Truth, and The Life, no one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6)

3) But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for US. (Romans 5:8)

C. CONFESS A person must confess their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

1) That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you WILL BE SAVED! For with the heart one believes into righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10)

2) For WHOEVER CALLS on the name of the Lord SHALL BE SAVED. (Romans10:13)

If you believe in your heart that Jesus is the Way and do the abc's, you can say a prayer and ask Jesus to forgive you for doing wrong, know that He died and rose from the dead and that He died for you and call on Him to save you, you will be saved and spend eternity in heaven with Him.

I am not perfect, I sin everyday, but what sets me apart is that I have a REAL relationship with Jesus and I know I will spend eternity with Him. I want everyone to have that same hope.

You can choose not to accept Him but I would not recommend it. You can laugh at what I have said and deny it but God's Word is the truth.

If you do pray and need any help, just ask. I have an excellent church you can come to and I can get you a Bible to continue to live for Him and learn more about Him. Don't wait! We are not guaranteed tomorrow!

I'm so fired up for God right now that I could go on and on but I won't. Let Jesus speak to you. Let me know if you have any questions and I will try and answer them.

Love you all,


Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Bible

I admit that I am not the best bible reader. I pick it up from time to time and I try and apply it to my life....but sometimes it's hard to do.

I believe without a doubt the the bible is the Word of God and I don't deny that it is the truth. I believe that it should be the dictator of my life. It has all the answers that I need and that I should be willing to follow it with my life...but it's hard to do.

The world tells us that we should do whatever makes us happy, do what we want, say what we want, live the way we want, but that's not what the Bible says. I want my life to reflect what the bible tells me to do...but sometimes that's hard to do.

The goal of my life should be that when my life is over and I meet Jesus face to face that He says to me "Well done good and faithful servant". That's how I plan to change my life. I want to be His faithful servant.

It will be hard sometimes but if I look to Him, he will guide me and direct me. I will hide His word in my heart, and be the best that I can be for His glory.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Back to school 2008

Well the school year of 08/09 is in full swing! The kids are adjusting well already with going to bed early and getting up early.

Matthew got up early on the first day of school, got dressed, ate, and left before I even got up! I didn't even get a picture! He did not want me to take one nor did he want me to take him to school. He rode his bike! I guess he's too big for mom now.

The girls on the other hand still need and want me. Ashlee had a rough night before school. She gets a nervous/excited stomach ache when something is going to happen the next day, so she tossed and turned all night! I know that because I had her sleep with me and she kept me up late too. The next morning she had a stomach ache and I had to give her some medicine to help and she was fine after that.

The girls were ready to go by 8 am, so Marvin and I took some pictures and then drove them to school.

After we dropped them off, we went to breakfast together and had good time. He says I've come along way because I don't cry anymore! There was a time where I cried so hard I couldn't even talk on the phone! Those days are gone now!

Here are a few pictures from the day minus Matthew.

The girls are ready(Ashlee not feeling good yet)

At school (Ashlee's better, can you tell?)

Lined up ready to go in (Lyndsey)


Ashlee happy and ready!