Monday, June 30, 2008

My latest pages

I have been busy in my scrap booking room the last few days. I made a page honoring my husband. I also did a page for my girls and a photo collage of when the girls were small.

Okay, so this year I decide to plant some flowers. I have NO green thumb whatsoever, but the girls asked me to, so I did. We went to the store and I bought 2 small hedges and some pink lilies and I planted them on one side of the front of the house. After about a week, the lilies started to bloom. They were so pretty and the smelled awesome. I would sit on the porch and the wind would blow and I would get a whiff of them. I was so excited.

Then, the storm hit and we got pelted with hail and the stinkin hail KILLED my beautiful lilies...this is what was left...

I think my green thumb will be washed and I will hang it up, because I can't handle the pressure!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Great pages, Shelly!! Love them! You're putting that Cricut to good use!

I'm sure your flowers are okay by now, right? They are pretty resilient, I know mine have taken a beating in some of the storms we've had, but they end up popping right back up a few days later.