My Twins turned 8 yrs old on Feb. 16th. It's hard to believe that they have grown that much. It really does seem like yesterday that we brought them home. When they were born, we could hardly tell them apart and now they are so different. We are so blessed with 4 beautiful, happy, and healthy children and we are doubly blessed to have twins. It's so cool to be a mom of twins! They are the last of my children and even though it was really touch at times, I would not trade it for anything. They have helped me grow as a mom and have given me so much. They are still buddies and sometimes have seperation anxiety when they are away from each other. They are so different in their personalities. Lauren is very passive and caring and compassionate. She loves to clean and really loves High School Musical. Lyndsey on the other hand is very dominate and is part girly-girl and part tomboy. She likes to be alittle bossy but Lauren puts her back in line by telling her SHE is the oldest.

So, Happy 8th. Birthday Girls! We love you very much.
Are they just darling or what ? Say ---- Ihear that. Two good girls, two different personalities, but alike in many ways. They complement each other very well.
Awww, happy birthday, sweetie girls!!
Hi Shelly - I'm loving your blog! How long did it take before your girls figured out that, yes, in fact they DO share the same birthday? Ours still get confused! We'll do two cakes this year but I anticipate lots of "It's my birthday." "Nope, it's my birthday!" :)
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