Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Year Resolutions

Okay, another year to make some resolutions. Hopefully I can stick to them:)

1) Lose another 40 pounds (Lord help me!!)
2) Develop a closer relationship with God (quiet time,bible study)
3) Yell at my kids less and hug them more
4) Have more date nights with my husband
5) Be a better steward with the finances (no more impulse shopping)
6) Help people that are less fortunate then me
7) Keep my house cleaner so I won't be embarrassed when people stop by
8) Get a J-O-B! (oh my has it really been 9 yrs?)
9) Be more patient(especially with the kiddos)
10) Develop a better self image!

Well, let's see later on how I'm doing with these goals for 2007!

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Good luck with all your resolutions! I hope you, Marvin, and the kids all have a wonderful, blessed year! I was so sorry to hear about your cousin, it was so sad. Hope you're doing well.
