Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is my friend, Donnie. I took this picture at the Detroit River many summers ago. Marvin, Donnie, and I went there quite often to fish and talk. On this particular day, Donnie was teasing Marvin and I because we had just begun our dating relationship and Donnie said to us that day, 'I'll take a nap and let you love birds fish together. Wake me if something happens." I'll never forget that day.

Donnie passed away in March of 1998. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and how special he was to me. I have kept all the cards he ever sent me and when I look back at his handwriting, I remember so many things. He said that he never thought he would see the day, that Marvin would be dating somebody and he knew that we were going to get married one day.

I miss him so much. He was loved by so many people. He loved it when I would come over and bring Matthew, and we would go out somewhere, whether it was driving around Grosse Ile, eating lunch, or walking Matthew around Heritage Park, we always had a good time together.

Donnie did a lot of painting in his free time and when Marvin and I came to see him, he let us pick out a few. Those are some of my precious treasures. He was one of my best friends and I wish he was here today. I know he would have been so happy to see where Marvin and I are in our lives. I know that he would have loved my kids. One of these days when I get to heaven, after I see Jesus, I'm going to run to Donnie and give him a huge hug because I loved him so much!

I miss you Donnie!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello, It's me!

Wow, has it really been two months since my last post? So much has gone on in two months! All the kids are out of school, summer is in full swing, We got a new computer, we had an empty nest for 5 days (first time in 12yrs!), and I have trained for the breast cancer 3day!

My weight watching has been a constant battle and so far I'm not winning:( I AM going to succeed in this area, I just have to get my butt back in gear and focus. I WILL be fit by 40, mark my words!

My buddy, Stellan,has had a few battles himself but he is doing really well right now and I pray that he stays that way. If your not familiar with his story, you can read about him here.

We are getting ready to venture out of Michigan and heading to Virginia to see my Aunt and Uncle, with my Dad. We have not been to VA. since Matthew was a baby, so we are really excited to show all the kids a place they have not been. Matthew was so small he has no memory of it, so it will be new to him. What I'm really looking forward to, besides seeing my family, is our trip to Washington D.C.. I want to see the Vietnam Memorial more than anything!

Here are some pictures of our summer.

Windmill in Holland

Pony Ride

Father's Day

For the first time in 12 years, all of our kids were gone for a week AT THE SAME TIME!!! Matthew went up north with a friend from church and the girls went to GA camp at Bambi Lake. Marvin was also on vacation that same week so we looked at each other and said "Wow it's quiet around here." We were able to sit together and have nice,quiet dinners, talk with no interruptions,and just get to know each other in peace. We neglected each other when the kids came along because we focus on them, so it was nice to get some quality time together.

So, that's about it for now.