Lauren and Lyndsey are sometimes so much alike it makes me laugh! As they get older, they start doing things different from each other and they both have very different personalities.They still have alot of similarities, such as eye and hair color, weight, and clothing sizes. They are different in alot of ways too. Lauren is taller, has bigger feet, has a dimple and is right handed. Lyndsey is shorter with smaller feet,has a scar,and is left handed. Well, up until this past Friday, Lauren wore glasses and Lyndsey didn't. Not anymore! Lyndsey complained that she couldn't see at school, and I just thought that she was saying that because Lauren got glasses and when one kid gets something the other one wants something too. So Friday, I took her to the doctor and sure enough, she can't see good either! So now, she will have glasses too. Hers are blue and Lauren's are pink.
Since preschool, I choose to have them in separate classes because, even though they are twins, they are not attached at the hip. Each one has their own personality and they need their own friends and to spend some time away from each other. It was a good decision. I remember picking them up from preschool, and they would run to each other and hug and kiss like they have been separated forever. Sometimes now, even in second grade, they walk to the car holding hands. They definitely have a twin bond that cannot be broken. I am so proud to be a Mom of twins. They are so special and unique. When my friends were all pregnant, I wanted them to have twins too, but none of them have yet!(maybe next time, Stacey!!)
Our plan was to have two kids, but God had other plans and I am so glad He did. I cannot imagine not having them in my life. It was hard when they were born, having four kids under three, but with God's help and the support of family and friends, I made it through the hard times. The next big hurdle will be the teenage years, when all three girls reach puberty!!! Poor Marvin and Matthew!
Well, that's all for now. Have a great week:)