She was having trouble seeing at school and we went and got an eye exam, and sure enough, she is nearsighted just like the rest of us in the family. Now, nobody should confuse the twins! She looks so cute!
This is the last week of school for them before spring break. I am hoping that the weather is nice when they are off so we can be outside. I'm tired of snow and cold. I want to sit on my porch and relax. We all want to sleep in too! Marvin's going to take a few days off and we might do some spring fishing and go to Kensington and walk the trails.
I am getting ready to do some redecorating in the kitchen and the living room. I'm getting fired up to make my house a little more visitor friendly. the kids are old enough to keep this house looking nice without all their stuff laying around. I'm going to be looking at some paint colors and flooring for the kitchen. It's time to get busy!!
It's supposed to be a nice week and I am looking forward to better walking days. Since I started walking, I have lost 10 pds. I am doing well on WW again and I am totally looking forward to summer because I am going to look and feel better. I am still going to be at Heritage Park during the week at 11a.m. so you know where I am so get the kids and some walking shoes and get moving!!!!
My mom is having some tests this week so please keep her in your prayers. I'm a little worried about this.
Have a great week!